A Dog Story

Welcome to 15 subscribers to Pup Blog which should get this post as an email early tomorrow morning if everything is working properly. The main goal of this post is to see if it sends to subscribers but I wanted to make it worth your while to open it with one of my favorite personal dog stories.

Here’s an old, old, story about for you about my dog. Fortunately, this story is about the only lab I ever owned named Duke. Duke went crazy, but that’s a story for a different day. Anyway, one Thanksgiving our turkey was in a big glass baking pan. Something happened and we ended up with a pile of turkey and glass all over the floor. So, we cleaned up, threw the glass and turkey in the trash and took off for a good Thanksgiving dinner with family.

When we came home, we noticed our trash can tipped over and trash spread all over the place and all of the turkey was gone. I knew for a fact Duke ate glass because turkey and glass were all mixed together when we threw the mess in the trash. Also, Duke was already acting pretty sick but still walking around a bit. I loaded him up and took him to the vet after calling in and telling them my dog had ate a bunch of glass.

Next thing I know they saying they did an x-ray and they saw a lot of glass inside of Duke. Yes, they said, Duke did eat glass and a lot of it. I know, I said, that is why I brought him here. No need to do an x-ray to figure out if he ate glass. Now what? The vet says, “Well, we could do surgery but most likely it will not help and he probably will not survive anyway. The cost will be $XXXX.XX amount and I do not recommend it.”

I tell them to just give me my dog and pay for the worthless x-ray that confirmed he had eaten glass. By now, I have to carry Duke to my car and my whole family is crying all the way home. Once home, I dug a big hole by the apple tree and visit Duke and the kids in the car a couple of times. Duke looks sicker than any dog I’ve ever seen and seems to be getting sicker.

Finally, Duke sees me and all of the sudden it was like he realized why I had been digging that hole. And here is the amazing part, God answered our prayers and Duke was instantly healed. I know this may be hard to believe but he instantly went from not being able to walk to running out in the woods where he normally goes to the bathroom.

I tried following him to see if he passed out any glass but I could not keep up. From then on, he seemed fine. We fed him cotton balls since my dad said that when he was a kid his dog ate a fish hook. When they called the vet he didn’t even want to see the dog. He told them to feed it some cotton balls dipped in milk and the cotton would get caught on the fishhook allowing it to pass through the dog’s system. Sure enough, it worked, and my dad found the fish hook in the dogs stool.

Wow how times have changed. Hoping you do not need a vet for your dog too often. If you get a dog from a nice healthy lineage, take good care them, and train them well, you shouldn’t.

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