All safely placed in their new homes
Thanks to all those who have adopted these older pups. Usually, our pups are always long gone by 10 weeks but this time we had some pups up to 15 weeks.
These pups really started growing and for awhile it looked as though they would be here forever. Since I have always been interested in training dogs I figured I might as well begin training these pups.
Here’s the trio of brown pups with the most dominant one needing to have my finger there in order to keep him still enough for a picture. Fortunately he went to an avid waterfowl hunter with extensive experience.

This awesome sedge or reddish dead-grass pup was placed in a great home near Gig Harbor.

- Some things they learned:
- Respect – no jumping up on people.
- Crate – a safe place to rest and be quiet.
- Mom – the boss, taught us to stay away from moving cars.
- Other dogs – great fun, most of the time.
- People are great – they might pet us.
- Leash – a guide to help us know where to go without pulling.
- Some things they were learning:
- Sit
- Stay
- Come
- Heel
Duke was recently placed in a home in Grays Harbor county. He’s doing great and is shown here enjoying the snow.

Baloo went to a great home in the Gig Harbor area. We are very pleased to hear how well he is adjusting to his new family. We realized he learned more than we thought when we received the following comment on Balloo, the sedge or redish dead-grass pup above.

Yes, this is indeed the same dog. The lighting really changes the color of the dog in the pictures. Anyway, here is what they say about Baloo after only 2 days:
“My baby girl loves him too, she thinks his paws are the best. I also love how when she gets nervous he keys in and sits down so she can come to him instead of crowding her space. Thank you for all your hard work, it definitely shows in your puppies.”
Here’s are next update on Baloo with a name change. His owners now state that “Chester is one of the most affectionate dogs I’ve ever owned.”

Chester, the lighter one, after a hunt.
Tucker’s owner Wes states, “I just wanted to thank you and send you a few pictures as you can see his is so handsome and thriving. He was challenging to train but worth every minute of it and we are closer because of it. He’s my best friend and I wouldn’t trade him for anything.”

Amazing how the all the above three pictures are all of the same dog, Tucker. Lighting sure does play a difference in the coloring.